Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Click for the 2025 Board Meeting Schedule
What are the primary responsibilities of the Montgomery Township Board of Education?
To fulfill the district’s educational mission, the Board of Education sets district policy which is then implemented by the District’s Superintendent and administrators. The Board adopts a fiscally sound annual budget, sets student and district achievement goals, and reviews curriculum changes.
When and where are Board meetings held?
The Board of Education meets on designated Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Orchard Hill Elementary School Cafeteria at 244 Orchard Road, Skillman, New Jersey 08558. Changes in a meeting's location, starting time or topic, are posted at You may also call the Board of Education office with any questions at (609) 466-7617.
What is the composition of the Board?
Nine community members, elected on a staggered basis, serve three-year terms of office without pay.
What transpires at Board meetings?
There is one business meeting, which is held on a designated Tuesday of the month. Business meetings include any new board and public business, Board committee/representative reports, the Superintendent's report, action agenda, old Board business and announcements by the President.
Are members of the public given an opportunity to speak at public board meetings?
Public meetings of the board of education are conducted in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. During the business meeting, the public is given an opportunity to make comments regarding committee and representative reports made at that meeting, any new business that has not been previously discussed by the Board, the Superintendent’s report, and any action items being considered by the Board at that meeting. Please be respectful in your remarks. Failure to abide by the code of conduct (read by the Board President at every meeting) will result in immediate forfeiture of speaking privileges for the current discussion period.
Can I bring concerns about a classroom situation to the Board of Education?
There is a chain of command within the District that helps ensure that all concerns, requests, and questions are handled efficiently. The chain begins with the classroom teacher, moves to the building principal, and then to the Superintendent. This process enables concerns to be solved by the person closest to the situation who can generally provide the quickest and most accurate answer. If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, the Board of Education is a last resort.
Are there any guidelines for addressing the Board of Education?
When addressing the Board, individuals are asked to state their name and address, and, if representing a group or organization, identify it by name. To allow time for others to address the Board, speakers are asked to focus their discussion as per the meeting agenda and limit their remarks to three minutes. Comments should be addressed to the officer presiding at the meeting, rather than individual Board members or District personnel.
Does the Board of Education ever meet in smaller committees?
The Board has a variety of standing committees to deal with such issues as building and grounds, curriculum, policy, finance, etc. The Board may create ad hoc committees to consider new initiatives. Ad hoc committees generally include Board members, faculty, staff and district residents. Committees report at Board Meetings but are not empowered to take action. Action can only be taken by the full Board of Education.
Is the Board of Education permitted to meet privately?
There are occasions when the full Board of Education meets privately in Executive Session following public notice of the meeting or upon taking action to convene in executive session. Board members are ‘honor bound’ not to disclose Executive Session information. Among the limited topics that Executive Session discussions may entail are: personnel issues, labor negotiations, legal matters and items of a confidential nature. The Board usually meets in Executive Session prior to the 7:00 p.m. start of its business meeting.
Where can I get more information about the Montgomery Township Board of Education?
You may contact the Montgomery Township Board of Education by calling (609)466-7617; by E-mail at; or by mail at Montgomery Township School District, 1014 Route 601, Skillman, NJ 08558. Information can also be found on the Montgomery Township School website at
Thank you for your interest in the Montgomery Township Board of Education.