• Mr. Eric Sletteland’s First Grade Class
    Friday, February 14, 2025
    Room 127 


           Welcome to my homepage, which is carefully under construction.  It is my hope that as the school year progresses, parents will have the option to check my page for classroom related information. This information should include classroom policies, assorted spelling lists for the week, weekly homework and contact information for reaching me.  I encourage parents to continue contacting me via email at: esletteland@mtsd.usYou may contact the school at 609-466-7605 for any immediate need such as a change in your child's dismissal plans. 

    Please call the main office to leave me a message once the school day has begun as I otherwise might not receive your message. 


    HOMEWORK:  Your child will receive homework most nights M-Th. The homework will be transported from school to home within your child's yellow folder and ought to be returned the next school day.  Homework ought to be completed within 10 minutes and may include a math page which ought to serve as communication to the parent of the math concept we learned that day as well as a reinforcement of the new concept for your child.  Your child will also have their reading bags with familiar titles that they ought to practice with an adult for fluency.  This may serve as a nice bedtime routine.  When our class begins spelling, your child may choose to also practice their spelling words at night , however, this is not mandatory and not required.