Montgomery Township School District
Orchard Hill Elementary School
Acceptable Use Policy
1. Purpose
We are pleased to provide network services for student access to educational resources, to present information, and to work collaboratively with peers and experts internationally.
2. AUPThese services are provided as a privilege to the user and this Acceptable Use Policy provides an opportunity to educate the user on the school's expectations and the responsibilities of the user.
3. Access
There are networked computers (networked meaning the computers that are connected to the Internet, e-mail, personal and shared folders) accessible to students in classrooms, computer labs and media centers.
4. User Responsibilities - "Do's and Don'ts"· Do use the network in accordance with the school's code of conduct.
· Do cite the sources of information properly.
· Do use the network only for legal activity.
· Do be courteous and respectful in your messages to others.
· Do use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language.
· Do not degrade or disrupt equipment or system performance.
· Do not load personal software onto district computers.
· Do not attempt to change computer settings or configurations.
· Do not knowingly place a virus on any computer or in the Internet.
5. Personal Safety
· All Internet access in Montgomery Township School District is filtered for language and content.
· Do not reveal your name, home address or phone numbers, or those of other students. Use school addresses and phone numbers only.
6. Inappropriate Use
The student is held responsible for his or her actions and activity on the network. Failure to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy will result in disciplinary action taken by the school administration.a. The first offense will result in the student being prohibited from the computer lab and Internet access for a period of 20 school days.
b. A second offense will result in the student being prohibited from lab for 40 school days.
c. A third offense will result in revocation of access to the computer lab facilities and the Internet for the balance of the school year.
d. If the offense occurs during the second semester, the prohibition will continue in the following school year but it will not exceed 90 days.
As the parent or legal guardian of a minor student, I grant permission for my son or daughter to use school-networked computers. I have read the above stated rules and accept responsibility for setting and conveying standards for my child to use the Internet.Please indicate your consent by signing here.
_________________________________ _________________________________Print Student Name Date Print Parent Name Date
_________________________________ _________________________________
Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Classroom Teacher: ____________________________________
Grade: ____________
Please return to your child's classroom teacher as soon as possible.