Testing English Proficiency
The K-12 Montgomery Township English as a Second Language curriculum supports the development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills and is aligned with both the student's language proficiency level and their grade level content instruction.WIDA Screener is administered to newly registered students to assess oral, reading, and writing proficiency. These tests evaluate language ability in English for children from Kindergarten through the 12th grade.ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State), is a state-mandated test that is administered to all English Learners in the spring of every year. This assessment score at 4.5, together with teacher recommendation, determine a student's continued participation or exit from the program. A profile generated from this test provides teachers and parents with a view of their student's current ability in all four language skills-- listening, reading, speaking and writing. ACCESS is a tool that measures progress for all identified ELLs, regardless of their use of program services or not.Proficiency Level Description of English Language Proficiency Levels 1. Entering
Knows and uses minimal social language and minimal academic language with visual support
2. Beginning
Knows and uses some social English and general academic language with visual support
3. Developing
Knows and uses social English and some specific academic language with visual support
4. Expanding
Knows and uses social English and some technical academic language
5. Bridging
Knows and uses social and academic language working with grade level material
6. Reaching
Knows and uses social and academic language at the highest level measured by this test
The ACCESS for ELLs® is a federally and state-required annual assessment and participation is a component of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) accountability. Even if a parent has refused ESL services, if that student has been identified as an English Learner, then that student must be administered the ACCESS for ELLs® annually until that student attains the State’s definition of English language proficient. (In New Jersey, that is a score of 4.5 or above on the ACCESS test).
The results of the ACCESS for ELL's are evaluated by representatives of WIDA, creators of the assessment. The results are then forwarded to the school and the state towards the end of the school year.Districts must notify parents/guardians that their child has been identified for enrollment in a bilingual, ESL or ELS program. Each school year, parents/guardians of all ELLs should be informed of their child's status and of their rights to decline program participation.All information can be found on the