Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
MTSD will be administering an assessment known as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Our students will be taking the complete battery, including a Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal Reasoning battery. The CogAT seeks to measure abilities across systems that are most highly correlated with reasoning, problem-solving, and success in school. There is no reason for a child to study for this test, as it measures abilities not directly taught in the classroom.
The student profile generated by the CogAT will provide insight into each child's unique strengths and areas of academic focus. The primary purpose of the CogAT assessment is to ensure the instructional programs offered by MTSD meet the individual needs of the students. Following the unique academic school years, this data profile will help teacher(s) meet your child's educational needs. Additionally, we will be using the CogAT data as one of the multiple data points necessary to comply with the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Act 2020, ensuring that all of our students receive the academic program that meets their academic and social-emotional developmental needs.
Should you have any questions regarding the administration of the CogAT Assessment or any concerns regarding your child's participation, please contact your child's building administration or myself.
CogAT Interactive Ability Profile Interpretation System
Fiona Borland (fborland@mtsd.us)
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development
(609)466-7601 Ext. 7234