2023-2024 Strategic Planning Information
During the 2023-24 school year, the Board of Education invited the community to participate in three strategic planning meetings.
During these meetings, attendees had the opportunity to share their insights on the district's present strengths while providing input on the direction we should take moving forward.
All three meetings were held from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Montgomery Lower Middle School Cafeteria.
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - Where are we now? (Superintendent report on the State of the District, and small group work to identify strengths and challenges/opportunities).
- Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - Where do we want to be in 3-5 years? (Participating in a visioning exercise as we begin to work towards shaping the direction we should take moving forward).
- Thursday, February 22, 2024 - How are we going to get there? (Developing a roadmap on how to achieve our collective vision, including writing goal statements).
The next step in the process is the development of the action plans. The Superintendent and the Administrative team will develop the action plans for the strategic plan. The timelines will be developed for a 5-year plan.
The action plans will include:
- Major activities for each objective
- Who is responsible for the activity
- The resources to be deployed
- Due dates for completion
- Indicators of Success (how we will know the activity has been accomplished)
The date for the delivery of the final plan to the Board of Education is TBD - to be determined.
Thank you again for your contributions in developing the plan that will guide the board and district in moving forward over the next 5 years.