MHS Language Learning Disabilities Program Recognized for Various Awards
Over the last few months, the Language Learning Disabilities (LLD) program at Montgomery High School has been recognized for various awards around the state. The program incorporates academics, functional skills, independent living skills and social skills along with career awareness and work study experience.
In March, Maryellen Schettini, a Teacher’s Instructional Assistant and Job Coach at the high school, received the honor of “Employment Specialist” of the year by the NJ APSE (Association of People Supporting Employment First). Maryellen has assisted quite a few students over the years with skill development and an awareness of workplace behaviors and protocol. She tirelessly advocates for students at various work sites around our community and has motivated and encouraged students to be successful in their work efforts at their placements with Princeton Fitness and Wellness, Walgreen’s of Hillsborough, the Montgomery Township Municipal Building, and the school store at Montgomery High School. Maryellen employs strategies to assist students with their advocacy and to develop rapports with co-workers and mentors on site to promote more independence.
In addition to Maryellen, the APSE acknowledged one of the High School students, Carl Bauer, with the runner-up award for “Supported Employee” of the year from NJ. Carl has been employed by Shop Rite of Montgomery as a bagger for a few years now, and is also employed by Diamond Nation in Flemington as a score keeper since the fall. Carl also participates in several “work study” experiences as part of his program at MHS. This year he was assigned to the University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro with the Medical Library Department and at Staples in Hillsborough as a store clerk.
At the annual Transitions’ Coordinators Network of NJ meeting in May, Carl Bauer was one of 8 students statewide to be presented with an award to acknowledge his transition to adulthood efforts. He will be attending TCNJ in the fall to continue his education and further his independent living skills.
Junior, Senior and Post-Grad students from the LLD program, along with their teachers, presented a workshop, “Behind the 3 Doors: Choices for Life After Graduation” at the annual Dare to Dream Conference that was held at Middlesex County College, May 22nd. Students shared their knowledge of the need for an updated resume, appropriate references, an official transcript as well as an awareness of one’s strengths and skill base, before making decisions about what path to follow after graduation. The audience was able to follow along while students discussed the options of vocational school and training, work, or college. In addition, Carl Bauer, was chosen to present a keynote speech at the Conference entitled, “You’ve Got to Believe”. His presentation was accompanied by a power-point showcasing his challenges, obstacles and successes throughout his life that made him the young man he is today.
Some of the students in the LLD program at MHS participate in “work study” at the University Medical Center of Princeton. Michael Allen, was just recognized with his 100 hours’ pin for his volunteer efforts at this site. His work with the Hospital Volunteer Newsletter has been appreciated by all and some of his articles can be viewed on the District Transitions webpage.
Next up for some of these students is participation in The National Special Olympics to be held in NJ this June. Elaine Borowski will participate on the Unified Soccer Team with her classmates, Emmanuel Yver and Horace Wu. In addition, Carl Bauer will compete on the baseball team. We wish all the athletes a fun and rewarding experience!