FAQs for the Extended School Year Program (ESY)
Q: What is the purpose of the Extended School Year program?
A: The purpose of the ESY program is skill maintenance. The specific skills are individualized based upon the student’s goals and objectives in their current Individualized Education Plan (IEP). "Extended school year services" means special education and related services that are provided to a student with a disability beyond the normal school year in accordance with the student's IEP at no cost to the parent. The IEP team shall make an individual determination regarding the need for an extended school year program. An extended school year program provides for the extension of special education and related services beyond the regular school year. An extended school year program is provided in accordance with the student's IEP when an interruption in educational programming causes the student's performance to revert to a lower level of functioning and recoupment cannot be expected in a reasonable length of time. The IEP team shall consider all relevant factors in determining the need for an extended school year program. (NJAC 6A:14)
Q: Where is the Extended School Year program located?
A: The ESY program is located at Orchard Hill Elementary School. (subject to change)
Q: How do I contact the Extended School Year program?
A: If you have a question for your child’s teacher, you can email them directly.
Below is the additional contact information:
- Transportation: 609-466-7601 x7010
- Orchard Hill Elementary School Main Office: 609-466-7605
Q: Is there busing to and from the Extended School Year program?
A: Transportation is provided to and from the ESY program. Transportation will notify you prior to the beginning of the program regarding pick-up and drop-off times and locations. If you have any questions regarding transportation, please get in touch with their office directly at 609-466-7601 x7010.
Note: As of June 1st, we are not able to make changes to transportation for ESY.
Q: Who will my child’s teacher be?
A: Prior to the end of the school year, teachers will send home a welcome letter introducing themselves. This letter will contain the dates of the program, the time of the program, their classroom room number, and any supplies that are requested.
Q: How do I report an absence?
A: If your child is going to be absent, please call transportation at (609)466-7601 x7010, as well as, notify their teacher via email.
Q: How do I sign my child in or out of the Extended School Year program?
A: If you are dropping your child off after the start of their program or picking them up prior to their program ending, you will need to sign them in/out at the ESY office located by parent drof off. If you are aware of a change in arrival/dismissal plan ahead of time. Please email your child’s teacher, as well as transportation. IDs will be checked when picking up your child.
Q: Can someone other than my child’s legal guardian pick them up?
A: Yes, with written consent from the student’s parents/guardian. The teacher must be notified prior to pick up, via email. IDs will be checked.
Q: Is there a nurse present during the Extended School Year Program?
A: Yes. A nurse is available during the Extended School Year Program and in Orchard Hill Elementary School for easy access.
Please contact us with any additional questions.
Daryl Schwenck - Supervisor of Special Services for Montgomery High SchoolDSchwenck@mtsd.us or esy@mtsd.us